Dana Philpott, PhD

Research in my laboratory focuses primarily on the pathogenesis of inflammatory bowel disease and considers how innate immunity and the microbiome shape immune homeostasis within the intestine.
Key Publications:
- Sorbara MT, Foerster EG, Mangiapane J, Sirluck-Schroeder I, Tattoli I, van Dalen R, Isenman DE, Rohde JR, Girardin SE, Philpott DJ. 2018. Complement C3 Drives Autophagy-Dependent Restriction of Cyto-invasive Bacteria. Cell Host Microbe 9;23(5):644-652.
- Lemire P, Robertson SJ, Maughan H, Muruve DA, Plantich J, Philpott DJ*, Girardin SE*. 2017. NLRP6 does not impact microbiota composition. Cell Rep. 21(13):3653-3661.
- Escalante NK, Lemire P, Cruz Tleugabulova M, Prescott D, Mortha A, Streutker CJ, Girardin SE, Philpott DJ*, Mallevaey T*. 2016.The common mouse protozoa Tritrichomonas muris alters mucosal T cell homeostasis and colitis susceptibility. J Exp Med. 2016 213(13):2841-2850. *co-senior authors
- Robertson SJ, Geddes K, Maisonneuve C, Streutker CJ and Philpott DJ. Resilience of the intestinal microbiota following pathogenic bacterial infection is independent of innate immunity mediated by NOD1 or NOD2. Microbes Infect. 2016.18(7-8):460-71.